Presentation at JMID Annual Meeting on November 8, 2017

Takamitsu Oka, Engineering Manager of the Precision Devices Company at JOHNAN, gave a presentation at the JMID 15th Annual Meeting held by the Japan MID Association at the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, on November 8th. Introducing a new pick and place machine to be installed to our factory in Okayama and our new service in coming December, the title of the presentation was "Our Approach towards the Japan's First-Ever Automated 3D Mounting". During the meeting, experts from all areas that utilize MIDs introduced the latest applications, advances and development trends in the 3D-MID, and presented solutions along the entire process chain. New technologies for MID manufacturing have been introduced and exchanges of information have been promoted in this event.

For more information, please visit the JMID Association official website here.


Hajime Yamaguchi